Fotos des Monats April

Fotos des Monats April

02/05/2024 0


Zu Besuch und auf Reisen

Diesmal ist “Auf Achse” das Motto unseren aktuellen Blicks hinter den Vorhang. Die Redaktion empfing Besuch, ging aber auch hinaus in die Welt.

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Into the Super-Verse: A toast to City of Heroes’ 20th birthday

Into the Super-Verse: A toast to City of Heroes’ 20th birthday

02/05/2024 0

How does you mark your first true MMO experience? Anarchy Online technically was the first MMO I ever played, although I was on dial-up, clueless, and lost for the couple months I tried it. World of Warcraft was the first title that became “the complete package” as MMOs fully clicked with me. But between those […]  Read More  How does you mark your first true MMO experience? Anarchy Online technically was the first MMO I ever played, although I was on dial-up, clueless, and lost for the couple months I tried it. World of Warcraft was the first title that became “the complete package” as MMOs fully clicked with me. But between those